For Tom...

This blog has been set-up as a tribute to Tom, for everyone who ever had the privilidge to meet him, to share stories and photo's.
The main site fot "Catch a Wave" will follow shortly, with the ability to post stories, photos and donate online to the fund.

If you want to contribute any stories or pics, leave a comment and we'll get back to you.

Thursday, 7 January 2010

Carve Tribute

Some lovely words about Tom on the carve website;

1 comment:

  1. Tom was one of those guys that, no matter when you saw him, he would always be smiling. I met Tom through the newquay surf scene and made him a couple of surfboards and skateboards. Tom was the first person i sponsored, when i first started out in the industry, because he was so keen and would literally go out in anything. Be it triple overhead messy fistral or a knee high session in the bay. Toms lust for life was massive and he was never phased by the challenges life put before him. I know he'll be deeply missed by everyone that had the pleasure of meeting him.
